Conspire definition
Conspire definition

conspire definition

My father’s fight for democracy and human rights has made him a target of unspeakable attacks, in the US and around the world.

conspire definition conspire definition

My own philanthropic work as a founding member of the board of Bend the Arc Jewish Action, the first-ever national Jewish political action committee with an exclusive focus on domestic issues. The stain of antisemitism helped influence


And for him, those experiences - of being “the other,” of being hated for something that he couldn’t control - helped fuel his philanthropic career, and his dedication to help others fight for a life free from fear. My father, George Soros, lost family members in the Holocaust. My grandfather, seeing what was happening and seeing fellow Jews being rounded up and deported, helped as much of his family and as many as he could to use false papers to conceal their Jewish identity and avoid being liquidated. When the Nazis occupied Hungary, it resulted in the murder of more than half a million Hungarian Jews. Results of the latest survey, released last month, showed that the problem not only persisted, but intensified in the US in 2022. There were a record number of antisemitic incidents worldwide in 2021, according to an annual survey conducted by Tel Aviv University’s Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry and the US-based Anti-Defamation League. This first-of-its-kind initiative could not come at a more opportune time. If these large forces can conspire to crush the First Amendment, it won't be long before they come after the Second Amendment.Last week, the White House announced its National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. We’ve certainly seen over the last few months a growing concern about exactly the type of attack you just described, it doesn’t take an awful lot of organizing, it doesn’t take too many people to conspire together, there’s no great complexity to it, so what that means is that we have a very short time to interdict, to actually intervene, and make sure that these people don’t get away with it. The president did not conspire with the Russians. It's not a crime to talk to a Russian, they are searching for what doesn't exist. And I look forward to the continuing work of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the threats posed to our democratic institutions by foreign interference. The Special Counsel's conclusions confirm the President's account that there was no effort by The Special Counsel campaign to conspire or coordinate with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, however, Russia's ongoing efforts to interfere with our democracy are dangerous and disturbing, and I welcome the Special Counsel's contributions to our efforts to understand better Russia's activities in this regard. conspire to make people very fearful, because they assume maybe this is the endgame for European Union, loyalism and unionism are always reactive and on the defensive mode, but now, unionism is having to react to different forces outside of its control.

Conspire definition